Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Day 1

Hello Good People,

These pictures were taken Day 2 after a water spritz, braid, and sponge roller set. I will see how long this option last.


Ezme said...

Congratulations and welcome to the loc family. Styling already huh!! Someone has been preparing themselves for this day a long while it seems hehe. I don't blame you they look lovely
Stay Blessed

Sarafina63 said...

Hey Ezme,

Yes, I have been preparing myself for this time! LOL.

Take Care.

Mizsamone said...

Welcome to the Sisterlocks community!!! I also started with permed ends, so I will tracking your progress and looking for suggestions. I am always looking for new ways to style my hair.

Take care!

Amba said...

Hi Sarah,
I've only just discovered your blog. It's so great you started one and I love the photos.
I'm back from the holidays and so need to see you soon. Happy New Year

Naturally Sophia said...

Hi there! Thanks for visitng my blog. I look forward to seeing you at the next meet-up. Nice blog template.

Docs Locs said...

Hey Sarahfina!

You're just down the road, a peice! Looking great. I hope we can meet in the near future.

Docs Locs said...

Where are you, Sarahfina? Missing you and looking for an update!
